Internet Survey Machine Version 4.0 - Reference Manual

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About the Internet Survey Machine Survey Files

The Internet Survey Machine creates a variety of different files. These files have specific file extensions which indicate what type of data is contained within the file.

Files that get created on the webserver by the Internet Survey Creator

When a new survey is started, the Internet Survey Creator appends the survey file name specified with a .jdb file extension. This "survey file" contains most the information about a survey that is needed to create an HTML survey form or be administered using the Internet Survey Respondent Java applets. Here is a list of files that can possibly get created on your webserver by the Internet Survey Creator:

Files that get downloaded or created locally by the Survey Analyzer

The jdb and pos files get downloaded from the webserver by the Survey Analyzer

These file types get created locally using data originating from the downloaded jdb and pos files

A Survey Said survey database is comprised of the following files;

filename.SDB (Always Exists - Contains questions & options)

filename.RDB (Created upon being answered the first time)

filename.TDB (Contains all typed in character responses)

The .RDB file is created once respondent data has been processed into a survey database.

The RDB, SDB and TDB files MUST be kept together, because they reference information within each other. Furthermore, they must all be in the same directory when the administrator analyzing the survey.

Copyright © Marketing Masters 1991-2002